Scientifically Proven | FDA Approved

Powerful Anti Aging Peptide Technology Breakthrough That Helps The Skin Recover Its Elastic Fibrillin Property

Helps Reduces Appearance Of Wrinkles | Dark Spots | Facial Lines & Eye Bags

How It Works

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***Not Sold In Stores***

Lunched In Nigeria On 5th Of February, With Over 1,862 Pack Sold & Hundreds Of Positive Feedback

We Asked For Reviews From Our Customers And They Gave Us These Mind Blowing Reviews Below

See Other Amazing Testimonials

This is the BEST facial treatment! It is smooth and light as you apply it. It doesn’t dry out the skin, and it’s easily removed. I love the texture of it as it feels like silk butter going on. As for major results in my skin, I noticed people started complimenting my skin after 1 week of using these mask. At least 2 of my female colleague asked the name of my new cream and I introduced them to this product I have super sensitive skin & it doesn’t affect me in anyway too so for me, it’s worth it. It also bears mentioning that this product has no chemical or offensive smell.
This is the BEST facial treatment! It is smooth and light as you apply it. It doesn’t dry out the skin, and it’s easily removed. I love the texture of it as it feels like silk butter going on. As for major results in my skin, I noticed people started complimenting my skin after 1 week of using these mask. At least 2 of my female colleague asked the name of my new cream and I introduced them to this product I have super sensitive skin & it doesn’t affect me in anyway too so for me, it’s worth it. It also bears mentioning that this product has no chemical or offensive smell.

Benefits Of Using Retinol Peptide Skin Rejuvenating Gold Mask 4 Times a Week


Retinol is a proven ingredient renowned for its ability to diminish the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. This is done by helping the skin in collagen production which by the age of 30 downwards has started to decline

Synthetic Snake-Like Venom

Our Gold Mask uses a POWERFUL anti-wrinkle peptide technology, “Matrixyl 3000 PlusTM 4”, which helps the skin recover some of its key properties and components such as elastic fibrilin that is lost early on in aging process and gives rise to lines and wrinkles.

Gold Essence

Gold nanoparticles possess unique properties that enhance blood circulation when they come into contact with the skin. As we age, collagen levels decline, leading to sagging and fine lines. Gold’s collagen-boosting effect helps counteract this natural process. Gold’s reflective properties create a luminous glow on your skin. Finally, the nanosized gold particles in our formula facilitate better ingredient penetration. This means that the other active ingredients like retinol and snake venom extract can work more effectively, delivering their benefits deep into your skin layers.

Propylene Glycol

This essence makes sure the skin is kept moisturized. Drives away rough and dry skin

Giant Algae Extraction

This ingredients opens up the skin layers and allows the active ingredients easy passage

Combining These Ingredients Will Help To Revitalize The Skin, Giving It a Much Younger Look

Dear Reader... Our Product Does Not Work By Magic

Infact, any product that promises to work like magic should be avoided like a plague because...

» The sellers/ manufacturers have increased the level of a particular ingredient which will in turn harm the skin just like the case of LUCY

Our Product Works By Following This 3 Simple Order

» Fight of impurities on the skin that won’t let other active ingredient penetrate.

» Penetrates the layers of the skin to increase collagen production, elastic fibrillin production which helps to tighten the skin, reduce wrinkles, fine lines, eye bags etc.

» Once all this is done, the gold nanoparticles will start making the skin glow

See More Testimonials From Our Customers Across Nigeria

I was concerned that this may not be as good as said but it is amazing!! it leaves the client skin so hydrated and flawless with a gorgeous glow. Yes! I use this for my older clients in my Spa and they always come back no matter what… This is just like my little secret. Clients love it & Keep introducing their friends to my spa
As an American living in Nigeria, My work wears me out and make me look older than my age. I decided to give this a try when I noticed it was a new product. I applied a thin layer and left it on for 30 minutes and could definitely feel my face gradually getting tighter. When it was time to peel, I’m pretty sure this mask removed the very top layer of my skin (I felt my skin became softer and lighter). Overall, the results were AMAZING. My skin literally felt like silk. I followed up the treatment 4 times in a week and the glow is so real! Would definitely recommend.

Hear Why People Are Buying This Product For Themselves & Family Members

This is my first time buying an anti aging product online and I must say that the product has won my heart. What prompted me to even purchase was the video of how wrinkles and fine lines on the face was being closed. I told myself that it was impossible. Out of curiosity, I bought the product and tried it After the second use, my wife took it from me (lol). She said I was trying to look young for those small small girls outside. Long story cut short, we both use the product and I have introduced over 11 family and friends to the product already. It is a great product.
This is my 3rd time purchasing, so I just felt it is right to give a testimonial about this product. This product is powerful and does what it is meant to do. My colleagues at work call me mini celebrity because of the way my face shines without wrinkles and spots. The feeling is great. I recommend this product anytime, anyday.

Choose Your Package Below & Place Your Order

Note : As Our Second Launch Into The Market, We Have Limited Quantity Left. So We Will Only Deliver To Those That Are Ready Within 24 – 48 Hours

1 Box Of Retinol Peptide Gold Mask

Originally Cost – Gh300

Today’s Price – Gh250

***Not Sold In Stores***

2Box Of Retinol Peptide Gold Mask

Everything Originally Cost – Gh600

Today’s Price -Gh350

***Not Sold In Stores***

3 Box Of Retinol Peptide Gold Mask

Everything Originally Cost – Gh900

Today’s Price – Gh400

***Not Sold In Stores***

Here Is Our Guarantee On This Product

This means that if after using our product and you’re not satisfied with the result, after using it the way we instructed -You can easily call us and ask for a refund and we’ll refund back your money

This Is How Confident We Are That This Product Works

it is a whole game changer in the beauty industry. And we want to offer you the best

Place Your Order Now - Fill The Form Below

Please Do Not Order If You Don’t Cash To Pay For It When It Arrives Today… We Ship Immediately You Place Your Order & You Only Make Payment When You Receive Your Package

NOTE : We Have Just 19 Of This Product Left & Will Only Send To Those Ready To Receive Today Or Tomorrow.. Please Don’t Order If You Are Not Ready To Receive Within 2 Days Of Order

Frequently Asked Question…
  1. Who Can Use This Product? – This Retinol Peptide Gold Mask Can Be Used By Anyone, Both Men & Women From Age 20 & Above
  2. Can I Use This Product All Over My Body? – It can be used on the face, neck, hand, legs or anywhere on the body where there is skin blemish
  3. Does It Have Any Side Effect – NO! This product contains natural ingredients which are backed by science.
    How Will I Use It – Product should be used 4 t
  4. imes in a week. Preferably to use at night after bath.
  5. Smear a little on the face and leave for 30 minutes.
  6. You can also leave over the night for the nutrients to absorb into the skin

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